美孚绝缘油Mobilect 25号变压器油。美孚变压器油
Mobilect 10#,25#,35#
Mobil insulating oil Mobilect 25 # transformer oil. Mobil transformer oil
Mobilect 10 #, 25 #, 35 #
Product performance:
Excellent electrical insulation properties, high breakdown voltage, small dielectric loss factor, which can effectively prevent the discharge phenomenon and the power of the high voltage field loss; Good thermal stability and oxidation stability, can prevent the use process acid and sludge formation, extend the service life of electrical equipment; Low viscosity, provide effective cooling and heat transfer and low temperature start; Good low temperature performance, excluding drop coagulant; Cycloparafin hydrocarbon and aromatic hydrocarbon content is appropriate, to ensure the sludge formed in the process of dissolving electrical equipment operation and avoid destroying the insulation materials and affect the heat transfer; Environment friendly, does not contain any PCBS.